my songs

Friday, February 8, 2013

one word Friday

I had full hopes of writing something fun and wonderful, and maybe even inspiring,
But I got nothing, its a snow day today, and that's the only happy thought I have for today,
It hasn't been the greatest of new year so far, with feeling of Blah...ugh...and ...Grrrr, a little sad,
little less smiles, I tried, I try real hard to dig down and pull one out from who knows where, but even if a smile appears on my face, its very short lived, due to fear, doubt and uncertainty.
 I think this is what they call the winter blues, or maybe maybe something unpleasant lies ahead, and I sure hope not, last time I had such feelings by boy ended up in the hospital for 4 months , and he has been acting a little less like himself but nothing I can put my finger on, so here's to oping he's just all right, and I'm just a big bag of cray!

So before I depressed  you any further, lets just get right to the game, its Friday, and that's what needs to happen, oh ya...and cause its fun! thanks +Juliet deWal !(and sorry, but I  copied and pasted a little more then the questions, I copied the rules too, I'm a little lazy with my tying)

Here are the ground rules for the newbies:
  1. After reading my answers, copy and paste the list into your comment.
  2. Change my one-word responses with yours (yes, only ONE WORD, even if it hurts the most painful of hurts).
  3. Submit your comment.
  4. And hey, you can always post your finished list on your blog, too. (Yes, a post idea! You’re welcome.) Enjoy.
  5. THEN watch this.
You’re Feeling: worried
To Your Left: door
On Your Mind: life
Last Meal Included: cabbage
You Sometimes Find it Hard To: math
The Weather: snowy
Something You Have a Collection of: concert tickets
A Smell that Cheers You Up: coffee
A Smell that Can Ruin Your Mood: Cigarettes
How Long Since You Last Shaved: today
The Current State of Your Hair: mess
The Largest Item On Your Desk/Workspace Right Now (besides computer): phone
Your Skill with Chopsticks: questionable
Which Section You Head to First In the Bookstore: biography
…and After That?: kids
Something You’re Craving: chocolate
How Many Times You’ve Been Hospitalized this Year: Zero
A Favorite Place to Go for Quiet Time: bed
You’ve Always Secretly Thought You’d Be a Good: nurse
Something that Freaks You Out a Little: my boy
Something You’ve Eaten Too Much of Lately: unsure
You Have Never: spandex
You Never Want To: lose
You Really Want To: win

I had to cheat once with 2 words, I love my boy, but he sure freaks me out sometimes